Welcome to our internship page at IM^2!

We conduct cutting-edge research in robot AI to develop the next generation of robotics. Our projects revolve around all aspects of robot intelligence, to name a few: deep learning, reinforcement learning, planning, perception, and simulation. If you are interested in participating in this endeavor, please read the below for a list of ongoing projects:

Deep reinforcement learning for contact-rich robot manipulation

Large language models for robot task and motion planning

Big data for robotics: GPU-accelerated physics simulator

Designing robot arm hardware tailored for reinforcement learning

Perceiving the world using diffusion models

More open-ended general topics include:

  1. Deep reinforcement learning (e.g., Offline RL, Hierarchical RL, Skill-based RL)
  2. Task and motion planning

If you are interested, please fill out **this application.** We hope to hear from you!